Do you sometimes struggle to know how to communicate to your team? Does it sometimes feel you are speaking in a foreign language? Understanding that we all have different preferences and styles of communicating can make a big difference in knowing yourself and your...
Most managers are ashamed or fearful when they make a mistake. They try to hide it. “What if someone sees it and realises I’m not as good as they think I am? What if my colleagues find out and start talking about me? What if my client hears about it and...
Fellowship and Leadership are two totally intertwined topics yet you hardly read much about the former. In our experience using leading and following in partner dance as well as with horses, really quickly allows this to be learnt. The article below explores this...
A lot of people are curious about how horses and dance can help with leadership skills, so I thought I might share some common questions I get asked. 1. How could this workshop help me? This workshop will help you if you are in a management or leadership position (or...
I’m excited to share with you an article I wrote for LeadersHub magazine. Link to full article is below. Enjoy:) The answer may surprise you. First impressions may not easily reveal the similarities between dance and leadership, however a more thorough perusal reveals...